APCS Java Subset

Package ap.java.lang

This is the annotated API for the java.lang package for use with Advanced Placement computer science.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
Double The class Double is an immutable wrapper class for the primitive type double, allowing primitive values in some contexts to be treated as objects.
Integer The class Integer is an immutable wrapper class for the primitive type int, allowing primitive values in some contexts to be treated as objects.
Math The Math class contains static methods for performing basic numeric operations like square root, exponentiation, logarithm, and so on.
Object The class Object as viewed from the perspective of the Advanced Placement Computer Science Java subset.
String The class String represents a character string.
System This class supplies System.out for the APCS Java subset.

Exception Summary
ArithmeticException An object of this class is thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Students should understand this error/exception when it occurs in a program.
ClassCastException Students should understand this error/exception when it occurs in a program.
IllegalArgumentException Students should understand this error/exception when it occurs in a program.
IllegalStateException Students should understand this error/exception when it occurs in a program.
NullPointerException Students should understand this error/exception when it occurs in a program.

Package ap.java.lang Description

This is the annotated API for the java.lang package for use with Advanced Placement computer science. This is not a substitute for the regular Java API documentation, but is intended to be useful for teachers using the AP Java subset.

The official AP Java subset does not specify a package ap.java.lang for use in AP courses. However, a package is used here to make it clear that this documentation is different from the documentation provided as part of the standard Java API and different from what is provided as part of the APCS course description and Java subset.

unofficial documentation for the APCS Java Subset