RACC VB Class #3 Lecture
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Practice copying the folder we created at the last class from your floppy disk to the Temp folder of your PC. Then, open the project we created at the last class.
Compare the textbook's Hello World project on p. 37 with our class Ch. 1 Demo Project #1 (event-driven vs. procedural programs)
Finish discussing any remaining topics from the online Ch. 1 Lecture Notes
See the annotated version of Ch. 1 Demo Project #1 . On the next quiz, you will probably have to recite or identify the object, event, property & method that are exemplified in this project.
(if necessary) Review Chapter 1 Review Questions #1, 4, 9, 11-14, & 15 on p. 46.
Begin the Ch. 2 Lecture
As a class build a project named Ch2Demo1 using the interface, properties, and events planning forms that are provided as handouts
Homework Assignment:
Write out your answers to Feedback 2.2 questions on p. 67.
Write out the answers to Ch. 2 Review Questions #1-17 on pp. 79 & 80.