CIS 230, Visual Basic

Ch. 2 Notes, page 1

Objective #1: Use text boxes, frames, check boxes, option buttons, images, shapes, and lines effectively.

Objective #2: Set the Appearance property to make controls appear flat or three-dimensional.

Objective #3: Select multiple controls and move them, align them, and set common properties.

Objective #4: Make your projects easy for the user to understand and operate by defining access keys, setting a default and a cancel button, controlling the tab sequence, resetting the focus during program execution, and causing ToolTips to appear.

Objective #5: Clear the contents of text boxes and labels.

Objective #6: Change font attributes, such as bold, italic, underline, size, and color, during program execution.

Do Feedback 2.2 #1-3 on p. 67 at this time.

Objective #7: Code multiple statements for one control using the With and End With statements.

   Chart of controls and their default properties

Control Default Property
Check box Value
Combo box Text
Command button Value
Frame Caption
Horizontal scroll bar Value
Image Picture
Label Caption
Line Visible
List box Text
Menu Enabled
Option button Value
Picture box Picture
Shape Shape
Text box Text
Timer Enabled
Vertical scroll bar Value

Objective #8: Concatenate (join) strings of text.

   lblUserName = txtFirstName & txtSecondName

Objective #9: Make a control visible or invisible by setting its Visible property.

Do the Review Questions #1-17 on pp. 79, 80 at this time.

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