CIS 230
Class #17 Lecture
Review Ch. 8 Demo Program #1
Ch. 8 Programming Activity #1:
Create a control array of 4 labels named lblNext(0) through lblNext(3).
In the Form Load event, set the BackColor property of each one to a different color using the VB color constants, vbRed, vbBlue, vbGreen and vbYellow.
In the Click event for the control array, use a Select Case and the Index argument to change the BackColor of every control to the BackColor of the one which is clicked. Use a For loop within each Case of the Select Case structure if you can.
answer code
Review specs for Programming Assignment #2
Answers to Ch. 7, Worksheets are online: wksht 1, wksht 2, wksht 3, wksht 4
(if time) Review selected exercises from Ch. 7, Worksheet #1, Ch. 7, Worksheet #2, Ch. 7, Worksheet #3, and/or Ch. 7, Worksheet #4
(if time) Review Ch.7 Programming Activities. (See Class #16 Lecture.)
(if time) Review selected Ch. 8 Review Question #1 on p. 319
(if time) Review selected Ch. 7 Review Questions on p. 280 (#1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8)
(if time) Review Feedback 7.1 (p. 252), 7.3 (p. 260), & 7.4 (p. 272) exercises
Homework Assignment:
Study for Midterm Exam #2 (Ch. 5 & 6)
Take the Midterm Exam #2, Practice Exam