Ch. 8 Programming Activity #1:

  1. Create control array of 4 labels named lblNext(0) through lblNext(3).

  2. In the Form Load event set the BackColor property of each one to a different color using the VB constants vbRed, vbBlue, vbGreen and vbYellow.

  3. In the Click event for the control array, use a Select Case and the Index argument to change the BackColor of every control to the BackColor of the one which is clicked. Use a For loop within each Case of the Select Case structure if you can.



Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
    lblNext(0).BackColor = vbRed
    lblNext(1).BackColor = vbBlue
    lblNext(2).BackColor = vbGreen
    lblNext(3).BackColor = vbYellow
End Sub

Private Sub lblNext_Click(Index As Integer)
    Dim j As Integer

    Select Case Index
        Case 0

            For j = 0 To 3
                lblNext(j).BackColor = vbRed
            Next j

        Case 1

            For j = 0 To 3
                lblNext(j).BackColor = vbBlue
            Next j

        Case 2

            For j = 0 To 3
                lblNext(j).BackColor = vbGreen
            Next j

        Case 3

            For j = 0 To 3
                lblNext(j).BackColor = vbYellow
            Next j

        End Select

End Sub