INSYS 400 - Class #3 Resources

  1. Lecture & discussion - History of Instructional Technology

  2. Class activity & discussion - What is the Internet?

  3. Using the "Available Technology Inventory" worksheet that you may have been able to fill out using your home and classroom computers, discuss and categorize software that is available to us.

  4. Discuss how we learn new technology?

    • Online help under the computer's Help menu command
    • Use your students as resources - Example: Ian J.'s Search tutorial
    • "_____ for Dummies" book series at a bookstore or
    • FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) lists on the Web - Example
    • guessing a company's home page and finding company support - Example
    • Internet newsgroups such as
    • Use the same pieces of software repetitively
    • Use our class mailing list & archive
    • Sign up for an online course in a new technology
    • Other?

  5. Demonstration - Using MS Word to create a newsletter

  6. Copy the newsletter document that you created this class period to your Zip disk or floppy disk so that you can work on it at home.

  7. (if time) Upload your newsletter document to the Internet hard drive account that Mr. Minich set up so that you can retrieve it from home. Make sure that you type your name into the file name of the document that you upload since we are sharing the same account. If you are really brave, set up your own personal, free Internet hard drive account or upload your it there.

  8. (if time) Classwork: Find an online course with a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.

  9. (if time) Discussion: Chapter 3

Homework Assignment