Important Algorithms
As a programmer of any computer language, you should be able to write the following
- use a counter to count the number of loop iterations
- use an accumulator statement to find a running total
- Binary Search
- Sequential (i.e. Linear) Search
- find the smallest value in an array along with its position in the array
- find the largest value in an array along with its position in the array
- swap two variables or objects
- determine if one value is evenly divisible by another
- determine if an integer is prime or composite
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- compute the average of the numbers in an array
- generate a pseudorandom value between 0 and 1
- generate a pseudorandom value between 1 and some positive integer x
- generate a pseudorandom value between two specified positive values
- reverse the elements of an array
- use a loop to compute a factorial
- compute amortized interest
- use the Babylonian Algorithm to approximate the square root of a positive
value c:
- Let e be your tolerance; e.g. e = 5E-12.
- Let x0 = 0.0.
- Let x1 = 1.0.
- Repeat while abs(x0-x1) < e:
- Let x0 = x1.
- Let x1 = (x0 + c/x0)/2.
- Return x1.
- use the Euclidean Algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of
two positive integers m and n:
- Repeat until m == 0 or n == 0
- If m > n, decrease m by n
- Otherwise decrease n by m.
- Return the larger of m or n.
- use the Interpolation Search for finding a key among a sorted sequence a
= {a[0], ..., a[n]}:
- Let p = 0 and q = n.
- Repeat steps 2-5 while p <= q:
- Let r = (key-a[p])/(a[q]-a[p]).
- If a[r] == key, return r.
- If a[r] < key, let p = r;
- Otherwise, let q = r.
- Return -1.
- This algorithm runs in hyperlogarithmic time (i.e., O(log(log(n)) if
the sequence is uniformly distributed. It is a modification
of the Binary search, which is what you get if you let r = 1/2 on each
Other Computational Thinking Concepts
- abstraction
- algorithm
- Boolean logic
- code
- collection
- collision detection
- conditionals
- data type
- data structure
- database
- debugging
- decomposition
- design
- efficiency
- evaluation
- event-handling
- expression
- loop, iteration
- memory
- modularity
- nesting
- parallel processing
- procedure
- randomization
- recursion
- refactoring
- search
- sequence
- simulation
- string
- type safety
- user interface
- variables