Mr. Minich's Web Design Style Sheet

Follow the following coding specifications when you design a Web page for the Wyomissing Area Computer Science Web site. This is necessary so that the Web site is consistent, functional, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.

File Names

  1. Use all lower-case letters when naming all html and graphics files.
  2. Do not include any spaces within file names.
  3. All html page file names should end with the extension .htm . Do not use the extension .html .
  4. All file names should end with the correct 3-letter extension. For example:



  1. Choose between gif's and jpg's wisely.
  2. Use .jpg  (not .jpeg) as the file name extension for jpeg graphics files.
  3. All Web pages should link to graphics and images that are stored in the appropriate "images" folder. Each class website (Basic, Computers Science Using C++, and Applied Computers) have their own respective "images" folder. When you create a Web page, you must take into account that your images will be placed in that images folder and not in the same directory (i.e. folder) as your actual Web page.
  4. All graphics and image files should have unique names. Otherwise, your files may overwrite other authors files when they are placed in the "images" folder. For example, do not use the file name "Image1.gif" for a graphic on your Web page.




  1. Use relative hyperlinks rather than absolute ones when possible.
  2. All Web pages must have links that "return" the Web surfer to the logical page of origination. All Web pages should also have a link to Mr. Minich's Wyo Home Page. Look at the lead pages within your Web site to see the actual style, placement, and format of these links.



  1. Do not use dark backgrounds. Your file should be able to be printed on a printer and still be readable.
  2. Keep the width of your Web pages to a size that makes it easy to read your Web page on a 15" monitor.


Mr. Minich's Wyo Home Page

Computer Science Using C++ | BASIC Programming | Applied Computers