Software Design - iPhone Midterm
You must complete an Xcode project that the instructor will supply to you at the beginning of the 1 hr 30 min exam period. The specs for the project will be explained at the beginning of the exam period. You are not allowed to search for or use examples from the Internet.
Your app will be judged on how will it fulfills the specs below and how organized and efficient your code is. Your app will also be judged somewhat on the aesthetics of the interface.
You must copy the project folder named MidtermExamJohnDoe into your Hand In folder by the end of the exam period.
You must also bring up the app in a simulator and call the instructor to your desk to allow him to grade it during the final exam period. You should finish the app in 1 hr 15 mins to allow the instructor 15 mins to grade the project.
Specs for the assignment will be distributed on a handout or MR. MINICH WILL UNVEIL THEM BELOW ON THIS PAGE: