Calculator Version 3

Extend your Calculator Version 2 project by adding the text label which shows everything that has been sent to the brain that Prof. Hagerty explains in his Assignment #1. Also, make sure that zero is used as a missing operand and protect against invalid operands such as dividing by zero. Your finished version of this project should satisfy all of the specs in Prof. Hagerty's Assignment #1.


  • none

Sample Test Case:

  • coming soon

You must hand in the following papers stapled in this specified order:

  1. CalculatorBrain.m
  2. CalculatorBrain.h
  3. CalculatorViewController.m
  4. CalculatorViewController.h

Turn in the project folder by copying it to your network HandIn folder.

Also, call the instructor to your computer and execute the program for him for a run-time grade.