Objective-C Console Game

Write an Objective-C command line project named ConsoleGameJohnDoe (where your name is substituted for JohnDoe) that uses the Foundation classes to allow the user to play a non-trivial game in the console output window. Begin the project in Xcode by choosing an OS X / Application / Command Line Tool, Objective-C project (rather than an iOS app project) that imports the Foundation classes.

When the project's main.m function executes it must allow the user to interact typing commands such as "move right" or "shoot". The project must consist of two or more classes. See http://www.tutorialspoint.com/objective_c/objective_c_foundation_framework.htm for help.

Your project must make use of either NSArray or NSMutableArray. It must use NSString and NSLog instead of printf. It can be a one-player or two-player game but it must also use random numbers in some way. If possible, display a one or two-dimensional console ouput game board or grid for an ASCII type interface.

Please place the two or more classes as well as the main method in the same file even though this isn't the most professional way to organize the code.

By the due date, upload the following files to www.DropItTo.Me/cminich (where JohnDoe is replace with your name):
1. a pdf file of your file's source code named ConsoleGameSourceCodeJohnDoe.pdf
2. a screen recording of your game's execution named ConsoleGameScreenRecordingJohnDoe.mp4
2. your compressed (as a zip) project folder named ConsoleGameJohnDoe.zip

Call the instructor to your computer and execute the program for him for a run-time grade.