Fahrenheit To Celsius Console

Write an Objective-C command line project named FahrenheitToCelsius that uses the Foundation classes and a loop to efficiently compute and display a table of equivalent Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures by twenties from 0 degrees F to 220 degrees F to the console output window. Use Chapters 1-7 of Become an Xcoder as a reference. The output should look like this with the Fahrenheit -> Celsius heading and two decimal places of accuracy:

Fahrenheit -> Celsius
0.00 -> -17.78
20.00 -> ?
40.00 -> ?
60.00 -> ?
200 -> ?
220 -> ?

Submit a screen capture of a window in Xcode that includes your source code and output.

Also, turn in the main.m source file to your network HandIn folder.

Also, call the instructor to your computer and execute the program for him for a run-time grade.