Word Project

Use these two classes

as starter files for a project named WordProject. Complete the class named Word by correctly implementing the constructors and following methods:

String getWord() - an accessor method that returns the String property of the Word object

String getFirstLetter() - returns the first letter of the Word object.

String getLastLetter() - returns the last letter of the Word object.

void removeFirstLetter() - permanently removes the first letter of the Word object.

void removeLastLetter() - permanently removes the last letter of the Word object.

int findLetter(String stringToFind)
- the position of the first occurrence of the String stringToFind is returned if it is present in the Word object. Otherwise, the method returns the value -1.

Edit and complete the class named WordTest which constructs a Word object and uses Scanner to test the Word class methods with a user's inputted word. The client program must use and test every method from the Word class and display annotated output so that the instructor can easily tell that the methods work properly.

Your program must follow the class Coding Standards. Save all of the files in the appropriate network folder.


    • A Word object is one word with three or more letters when each of the methods above are invoked.

You must hand in the following on separate pages stapled in this specified order:

    1. The source code for the Word class.
    2. The source code for the WordTest class.
    3. The printscreen of your console window output.