
Objective #1: Explain how inheritance can be used to develop a child class from a parent class.

If you want to build an APStudent class which has an additional myAPExamScore property (as in a number between 1 and 5) as well as setAPExamScore, getAPExamScore, studyForExam, saySomething, compareTo, toString, and equals public methods, then you can "extend" the Student class in this way:

public class APStudent extends Student implements Comparable
	private int myAPExamScore;

public APStudent() { myAPExamScore = 3; } public void setAPExamScore(int apExamScore) { myAPExamScore = apExamScore; } public int getAPExamScore() { return myAPExamScore; } public void studyForExam() { if (myAPExamScore < 5) { myAPExamScore++; } } public void saySomething() { System.out.println("I am an AP student"); } public int compareTo(Object other) { return getAPExamScore() - ((APStudent) other).getAPExamScore()); } public String toString() { return "myAPExamScore = " + myAPExamScore; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (myAPExamScore == ((APStudent) other).myAPExamScore) { return true; } return false; } }

Objective #2: Explain how a child class object can be referenced (i.e. "cloaked") as its parent class data type.

Objective #3: Be able to override methods from a parent class and add new methods to a child class.

Objective #4: Invoke inherited methods.

Objective #5: Invoke superclass constructors.

Objective #6: Override its toString and equals methods from the Object superclass.

Objective #7: Explain protected access control. NOT REALLY STRESSED ON AP EXAM.