HTML5 Lecture Notes

Objective #1: Be familiar with the background of HTML5 and the fact that it is the combination of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.

Objective #2: Create an empty web page.

Objective #3: Add a section for JavaScript code.

Objective #4: Use JavaScript variables and functions.

Objective #5: Use an init method to set up your web page.

Objective #6: Use the canvas and context elements to draw and manipulate objects.

Objective #7: Use listeners to add interaction to a web page.

function getMouseClick(event)
   var x = clientX;
   var y = clientY;
   // something would be done here with the x, y coordinates

Notice that an event object is being passed to this function.

Objective #8: Use timers to add interaction to a web page.

Objective #9: Miscellaneous topics.