Wyo Data Structures
Write a driver program that uses and tests the following free functions to be used with binary search trees:
bool insert(node * &root, const int &data);
bool remove(node * &root, const int &data);
node * find(node * root, const int &target);
void destroy(node * root);
void traverseInorder(node *root);
void traversePreorder(node *root);
void traversePostorder(node *root);
bool isEqual(node *tree1, node *tree2);
int distance(node *node1, node *node2);
void printRelationship(const int node1Data, const int node2Data, node *tree);
Use nodes formed with the following struct definition:
struct node
int data;
node * left;
node * right;
Your program must follow the Coding Standards. Save the source code file as "Ch6Proj1.cpp" in the appropriate network folder.
Submit the printout by the due date.