Wyo Data Structures
Write a driver program that uses a function named balancedParens that returns a bool value to indicate whether or not the parentheses, square brackets, and curly braces in an input stream are balanced or not. The function returns true if there is a matching number of left parentheses and right parentheses as well as matching numbers of right and left square brackets and right and left curly braces and if these symbols are properly nested. For example, if there is one right square bracket and no matching left square bracket inside of a set of parentheses, the function should return false. Or, if there is 3 right curly braces and only 2 left curly braces in the input stream, the function must return false. You must use one or more apstacks and/or apqueues in this program. In the driver program, prompt the user to input the full Windows/DOS path of the file that he wants to test.
Your program must follow the Coding Standards. Save the source code file as "Ch4Proj1.cpp" in the appropriate network folder.
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