Honors/AP Computer Science Using C++ Final Exam Review                             Name:


The exam will focus on chapters 12 through 19, since that is the material that we studied in the second semester. Technically, it will cover the whole textbook and course since you need to understand syntax, structures, and algorithms from chapters 1 through 11 in order to understand concepts in chapters 12 through 19.

Exam Info:

The exam will be held on Wednesday, May 30.

You will take the exam in Room ??? from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Bring a few sharpened, #2 pencils and a calculator. Also, clean out your textbook by removing its bookcover, removing paper that may be kept in it, and erasing any pencil marks BEFORE the exam. Bring your textbook to the exam. (Make sure that your name is printed in the appropriate area inside the cover of the textbook.) Bring your workbook to the exam as well. Bring your AP workbook if you are an AP student and have not already turned it in.

Recommended Study Strategy:

  1. Look over the chapter vocab lists for chapters 7 through 19. These lists can be found on our Web site. Many of the words are bold in the chapter readings. Identify the words that you do not remember and look them up. If you still have your chapter vocab assignment files review them as well.

  2. Look over the chapter objective lists for chapters 7 through 19. These lists can be found on the first page of each chapter in the textbook and on our Web site as well. Make sure that you can do what each objective specifies. If you are confused about an objective, reread the necessary portion of the textbook and review the Web site's online notes.

  3. Review the workbook exercises from chapters 7 through 19, especially those that were assigned as homework.

  4. Practice writing code segments, structures, routines and even whole procedures. You will be expected to write syntactically correct code on the exam.


    Write a statement that declares a variable named Total as an integer.


    int Total;


    Write a for loop that uses a loop variable named counter and iterates 10 times. The computer should print the value of Counter on a new line on each iteration.


    for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++ )
            cout << "The value of counter is: " << counter << endl;   

  5. Practice desk-checking code segments and programs to determine what the output will be.


    Show the list of values taken by the variable a and circle its last value as the following segment executes:

    int x = 5;
    int a = 0;

    while (x >= 3)
            x = x - 1;

            if (x % 2 == 0 )
                a = a + x;
                a = a - x;

    Answer: a = 0 4 1 3

  6. Practice answering short answer/essay questions (that is, full complete sentences). Some of the chapter objectives will be given on the exam in the form of short answer/essay questions. While some of these may be answered in a couple of sentences, others may take a whole paragraph or more to fully answer.