Web E-Commerce
RACC WEB 200 Exam Information

Midterm Exam

This exam will cover Chapters 1, 8 - 11 as well as our study & use of OSCommerce. The exam will consist of True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, & Essay questions. You must use a #2 pencil on the exam.

Final Exam

This exam will cover everything that we have studied in this course but it will focus on the material studied since the midterm exam. The exam will consist of True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, & Essay questions. You must use a #2 pencil on the exam.

Important Terms to review:

XML, SGML, HTML, portal, popup ad, banner ad, interstitial ad, stickiness, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, patent, copyright, trademark, Tim Berners-Lee, cybersquatting, Web 2.0, SEO, web server, domain name, the 4 P's of Marketing, URL address, http, fee-for-service model, web catalog model, advertising-supported model, one-to-one marketing, usage-based segmentation, email marketing strategy, meta tags, sniping software, implied warranty, CRM, affiliate marketing, viral marketing strategy, spider search engine, index search engine, wikipedia, eBay, DRM, ARPANET, Mosaic, Internet Explorer, Netscape, byte, IP address, auction, domain name registrar, watermark, product-based marketing strategy, customer-based marketing strategy, blogs, market segmentation, AdWords, paid placement