Computer Science Using C++ Chapter Objectives
adapted from the textbook, Programming in Visual Basic 6.0, written by Julia Case Bradley & Anita C. Millspaugh and published by McGraw-Hill
Chapter 1 Introduction to Visual Basic
1. Describe the process of visual program design and development.
2. Explain the term event-driven programming.
3. Explain the concepts of objects, properties, and methods.
4. List and describe the 3 steps for writing a Visual Basic project.
5. Describe the various files that make up a Visual Basic project.
6. Identify the elements in the Visual Basic environment.
7. Define design time, run time, and break time.
8. Write, run, save, print, and modify your first Visual Basic project.
9. Look up Visual Basic topics in Help.
1. Use text boxes, frames, check boxes, option buttons, images, shapes, and lines effectively.
2. Set the Appearance property to make controls appear flat or three-dimensional.
3. Select multiple controls and move them, align them, and set common properties.
4. Make your projects easy for the user to understand and operate by defining access keys, setting a default and a cancel button, controlling the tab sequence, resetting the focus during program execution, and causing ToolTips to appear.
5. Clear the contents of text boxes and labels.
6. Change font attributes, such as bold, italic, underline, size, and color, during program execution.
7. Code multiple statements for one control using the With and End With statements.
8. Concatenate (join) strings of text.
9. Make a control visible or invisible by setting its Visible property.
Chapter 3 Variables, Constants, and Calculations
1. Distinguish between variables, constants, and controls.
2. Differentiate among the various data types.
3. Apply naming conventions incorporating standards and indicating scope and data type.
4. Declare variables using the Dim statement.
5. Select the appropriate scope for a variable.
6. Convert text input to numeric values using the Val function.
7. Perform calculations using variables and constants.
8. Format values for output using the formatting functions.
9. Accumulate sums and generate counts.
10. Format data for output.
11. Modify the environment to require Option Explicit.
Chapter 4 Decisions and Conditions
1. Use block Ifs to control the flow of logic.
2. Understand and use nested Ifs.
3. Read and create flowcharts indicating the logic in a selection process.
4. Evaluate conditions using the relational operators.
5. Combine conditions using And and Or.
6. Test the Value property of option buttons and check boxes.
7. Perform validation on numeric fields.
8. Call event procedures from other procedures.
9. Create message boxes to display error conditions.
10. Apply the message box constants.
11. Debug projects using breakpoints, stepping program execution, and displaying intermediate values.
Chapter 5 Menus, Sub Procedures, and Sub Functions
1. Create menus and submenus for program control.
2. Display and use the Windows common dialog boxes.
3. Write reusable code in sub procedures and function procedures and call the procedures from other locations.
4. Create an executable file that can be run from the Windows environment.
1. Create a project with multiple forms.
2. Use the Show and Hide methods to display and hide forms.
3. Create procedures that are accessible from multiple form modules.
4. Differentiate between variables that are global to a project and those visible only to a form.
5. Create an About box using a form.
6. Add a splash screen to your project.
7. Set the startup form or Sub Main to start project execution.
Chapter 7 Lists, Loops, and Printing
1. Create and use list boxes and combo boxes.
2. Enter items into list boxes using the Properties window and the AddItem method.
3. Determine which item in a list is selected.
4. Use the ListCount property to determine the number of items in a list.
5. Display a selected item from a list.
6. Differentiate among the available types of combo boxes.
7. Use Do/Loops and For/Next statements to iterate through a loop.
8. Use the MsgBox function to determine the button pressed by the user.
9. Use the string functions Left, Right, and Mid to refer to part of a string and use the Len function to count the number of characters in a string.
10. Send information to the printer using the Print method.
11. Control the format of printing using commas, semicolons, the Tab function, and the Spc function.
1. Set up and use a control array.
2. Code selection logic using a Select Case statement.
3. Establish an array of variables and refer to individual elements in the array with variable subscripts.
4. Use the For Each/Next to traverse the array.
5. Create user-defined data types for multiple fields of related data.
6. Accumulate totals using arrays.
7. Distinguish between direct access and indirect access of a table.
8. Combine the advantages of list box controls with arrays.
9. Coordinate lists and arrays using the ItemData property.
10. Store data in multidimensional arrays.
1. Create data files.
2. Read and write records to a disk.
3. Determine the appropriate locations for data file-related code.
4. Understand the significance of a Close statement.
5. Differentiate between sequential and random files.
6. Trap user errors and handle errors to avoid run-time errors.
7. Incorporate fixed-length strings into user-defined data types.
8. Read and write objects in a random file.
9. Perform add, delete, and edit operations on random files.
10. Allow the user to input data using the InputBox function.