' Ch. 8 Demo Program #2
' Mr. Minich
' This program illustrates the user of user-defined types and an array
'   of a user-defined type.

Option Explicit

Private Type Student     ' a user-defined type definition
    strLastName As String
    strFirstName As String
    sngPercent As Single
    strLetterGrade As String
End Type

Dim mudtRoster(0 To 4) As Student    ' students in class

Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
    Static J As Integer        ' control variable
    mudtRoster(J).strFirstName = txtFirstName
    mudtRoster(J).strLastName = txtLastName
    mudtRoster(J).sngPercent = Val(txtPercent)
    Select Case mudtRoster(J).sngPercent
    Case Is >= 90
        mudtRoster(J).strLetterGrade = "A"
    Case Is >= 80
        mudtRoster(J).strLetterGrade = "B"
    Case Else
        mudtRoster(J).strLetterGrade = "C"
    End Select
    J = J + 1
    txtFirstName = ""   ' clearing the text boxes
    txtLastName = ""
    txtPercent = ""
    If J = 5 Then
        MsgBox "Thanks for entering the info!"
        cmdEnter.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGrades_Click()
    Dim J As Integer    'loop variable
    For J = 1 To 5
        MsgBox "Student 1 earned a " & mudtRoster(J - 1).strLetterGrade
    Next J
End Sub