CIS 230, Visual Basic

Ch. 7 Notes, page 1

Objective #1: Create and use list boxes and combo boxes.

Objective #2: Enter items into list boxes using the Properties window and the AddItem method.

Objective #3: Determine which item in a list is selected.

Objective #4: Use the ListCount property to determine the number of items in a list.

Objective #5: Display a selected item from a list.

Objective #6: Differentiate among the available types of combo boxes.

Objective #7: Use Do/Loops and For/Next statements to iterate through a loop.

Objective #8: Use the MsgBox function to determine the button pressed by the user.

Objective #9: Use the string functions Left, Right, and Mid to refer to part of a string and use the Len function to count the number of characters in a string.

Objective #10: Send information to the printer using the Print method.

Objective #11: Control the format of printing using commas, semicolons, the Tab function, and the Spc function.

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