'CIS 230 Ch 5 Demo 1
'Mr. Minich
'This program demonstrates the use of the Color and Font dialog boxes (see pp. 177-181). You need to place
' the common dialog control on your form in order to use these dialog boxes. If you do not see the common
' dialog control in your toolbox, you must click the Projects/Components menu command and place a check next
' to the item called "Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0". Use the prefix "dlg" when you name the common dialog
' control in your project or simply use the name "dlgCommon".

Option Explicit

Private Sub mnuEditFont_Click()
    'Displays the common dialog box to change the font
    'properties of a label.
    With dlgCommon
        .FontName = lblLabel.Font.Name  'set initial font properties of font dialog box
        .FontBold = lblLabel.Font.Bold  ' to those of the label
        .FontItalic = lblLabel.Font.Italic
        .FontSize = lblLabel.Font.Size
        .Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts       'necessary to specify screen fonts
        .ShowFont                       'display the dialog box
    End With
    With lblLabel.Font
        .Name = dlgCommon.FontName      'change the font properties of the label to those
        .Bold = dlgCommon.FontBold      ' selected in the font dialog box
        .Italic = dlgCommon.FontItalic
        .Size = dlgCommon.FontSize
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditColor_Click()
    'Displays the common dialog box to change the foreground
    'color of a label
    With dlgCommon
        .Flags = cdlCCRGBInit           'necessary to initialize the dialog box
        .Color = lblLabel.ForeColor     'set initial color to the current ForeColor of the label
        .ShowColor                      'display dialog box
        lblLabel.ForeColor = .Color     'setting the new chosen color to the label's ForeColor
    End With
End Sub