CIS 230

Ch. 5, Worksheet #3

The following procedures are part of the same VB project. Answer the questions below.

Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click( )
    Dim C As Integer
    Dim L As Long
    C = 10
    L = 20
    Subrou C, L
    Text1 = C
    Text2 = L
End Sub

Private Sub Subrou(M As Integer, ByVal F As Long)
    M = M * 32 / 2
    F = 12 + 6 * 12 / 5
End Sub




1. What appears in textbox Text1 if cmdCommand1_Click( ) is invoked?
2. What appears in textbox Text2 if cmdCommand1_Click( ) is invoked?
3. Name an event procedure that appears in the program.