RACC VB - Ch. 5 Worksheet #2 Name -

The following procedures are part of the same VB project. Answer the questions below based
on the following code segment.

Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click( )
    Dim A As Integer
    Dim B As Long
    A = 5
    B = 10
    Call Subrou(A, B)
    Text1 = A
    Text2 = B
End Sub

Private Sub Subrou(ByVal X As Integer, Y As Long)
    X = 300
    Y = Y * 5
End Sub


1. Name an event procedure from the code segment above.

2. Name a general function from the code segment above.

3. Which procedure is the calling procedure?

4. Name an argument.

5. What is the parameter list of Subrou?

6. Is any argument passed by reference? If so, list one.

7. Name a local variable that is used in the code segment above.

8. What is the header of cmdCommand1_Click?

9. Assuming cmdCommand1_Click is invoked, what appears in the textbox Text1?

10. Assuming cmdCommand1_Click is invoked, what appears in the textbox Text2?