'Module:            CDispensaryItem

Option Explicit

Private mintQuantity    As Integer
Private mintFrameSize   As Integer
Private mintFrameStyle  As Integer

Private mstrDispensaryItemCode As String

Public Property Get Quantity() As Integer
    'Retrieve the current value
    Quantity = mintQuantity
End Property

Public Property Let Quantity(ByVal intQuantity As Integer)
    'Assign the property value
    mintQuantity = intQuantity
End Property

Public Property Get FrameStyle() As Integer
    'Retrieve the current value
    FrameStyle = mintFrameStyle
End Property

Public Property Let FrameStyle(ByVal intFrameStyle As Integer)
    'Assign the property value
    mintFrameStyle = intFrameStyle
End Property

Public Property Get FrameSize() As Integer
    'Retrieve the current value
    FrameSize = mintFrameSize
End Property

Public Property Let FrameSize(ByVal intFrameSize As Integer)
    'Assign the property value
    mintFrameSize = intFrameSize
End Property

Public Property Get DispensaryItemCode() As String
    'Retrieve the current value
    DispensaryItemCode = mstrDispensaryItemCode
End Property

Public Property Let DispensaryItemCode(ByVal strDispensaryItemCode As String)
    'Assign the property value
    mstrDispensaryItemCode = Trim(strDispensaryItemCode) 'Remove any extra spaces
End Property