' Ch08ActiveXExeServer
'   code for frmDispensaryItem.frm

Option Explicit

Private mDispensaryItems As New CDispensaryItems 'Instantiate the collection

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    'Add an item to the collection
    If cboFrameSize.ListIndex <> -1 And cboFrameStyle.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        mDispensaryItems.Add cboFrameStyle.ListIndex + 1, _
            cboFrameSize.ListIndex + 1, _
        MsgBox "Enter values for the item.", vbInformation, "Dispensary Items"
    End If
    cmdClear_Click          'Clear out form controls
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
    'Clear screen controls
    cboFrameSize.ListIndex = -1
    cboFrameStyle.ListIndex = -1
    txtQuantity.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCount_Click()
    'Display the number of objects in the collection
    Dim strMsg  As String
    strMsg = "The number of Dispensary Items is " & mDispensaryItems.Count
    MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, "AVB Dispensary Items"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
    'Display the objects in the collection
    Dim DisplayItem As CDispensaryItem
    picDisplay.Cls          'Clear the display and print headings
    picDisplay.Print "Item Code", "Frame Style", "Frame Size", "Quantity"
    For Each DisplayItem In mDispensaryItems
      With DisplayItem
         picDisplay.Print .DispensaryItemCode, .FrameStyle, .FrameSize, _
      End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDisplayItem_Click()
    'Display one item from collection
    Dim strKey      As String
    On Error GoTo HandleError
    strKey = InputBox("Enter item code to display.", "Display Dispensary Item")
    picDisplay.Cls          'Clear the display and print headings
    picDisplay.Print "Item Code", "Frame Style", "Frame Size", "Quantity"
    With mDispensaryItems(strKey)
        picDisplay.Print .DispensaryItemCode, .FrameSize, .FrameStyle, .Quantity
    End With
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = diItemCodeError Then
        MsgBox "Invalid Dispensary Item Code", vbInformation, _
            "Display Dispensary Item"
        MsgBox "Unexpected Error", vbInformation, "Display Dispensary Item"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
    'Remove an item
    Dim strKey      As String
    On Error GoTo HandleError
    strKey = InputBox("Enter item code to remove.", "Remove Dispensary Item")
    mDispensaryItems.Remove strKey
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = diItemCodeError Then
        MsgBox "Invalid Dispensary Item Code", vbInformation, _
            "Remove Dispensary Item"
        MsgBox "Unexpected Error", vbInformation, "Display Dispensary Item"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    'Release object variables
    Set mDispensaryItems = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileClose_Click()
    'Exit the project
    Unload Me
End Sub