' DHTML Demo
' DHTMLPage1

Private Sub BaseWindow_onload()
    'lnkAboutAVB.href = "AboutAVB.htm" - we must hardwire the lnk object's href property
    txtFee.Style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey"
End Sub

Private Function cmdCalculate_onclick() As Boolean
    Const Rate As Currency = 1.5
    txtFee.Value = Format$(Val(txtVisitLength.Value) * Rate, "Currency")
End Function

Private Function cmdClear_onclick() As Boolean
    txtVisitLength.Value = ""
    txtVisitLength.Style.backgroundColor = "white"
    txtFee.Value = ""
    optNone.Checked = True
    With txtPatient
        .Style.backgroundColor = "white"
        .Value = ""
    End With
End Function

Private Sub DHTMLPage_Load()
    Document.bgColor = "lightgrey"
End Sub

Private Sub txtPatient_onblur()
    txtPatient.Style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey"
End Sub

Private Sub txtVisitLength_onblur()
    txtVisitLength.Style.backgroundColor = "lightgrey"
End Sub