Week #8 Resources

  1. Discussion: Using real-time  (chat, audio, video, etc.) vs. asynchronous (newsgroups & mailing lists) communication methods (see Santoro's site and Santoro's examples) . Attempt to hold an "Asynchronous lesson" via chat (AOL Instant Messenger) &/or Discussion Board.
  2. Demonstration: Setting up your own AIM account & downloading the plug-in.
  3. Demonstration: Other interesting plug-ins (RealPlayer & Shockwave)
  4. Demonstration: Setting up your own mailing list & discussion board
  5. Classwork: Work on Web site. Check out for great graphics. You can sign up for a trial membership and get great graphics for free!
  6. Classwork: Work on Multimedia Presentation.

    Homework Assignment

    Things you MUST turn in next week

    Things you SHOULD put work on:

    INSYS 400 Home Page Web Design | Mr. Minich's Education Home Page

    Mr. Minich's PSU Home Page | Email Mr. Minich