INSYS 400 Self-Evaluation
Please answer the following and submit to the instructor via email ( ). As long as you make sufficient effort to answer the questions (see the rubric for this assignment), your grade will not be affected negatively by your thoughts and opinions.
- Please describe and evaluate your participation and effort in INSYS 400 and what you learned in the process. Having to produce non-traditional media (e.g. presentations and Web sites rather than term papers) probably placed greater demands on you. The instructor's role was meant to be more of a coach or a guide as opposed to a traditional lecturer. Determine the extent of constructivist learning that occurred.
- The course used many aspects of a Web-based learning environment (communication, information repository, searching tools, teacher feedback, etc.). It was expected that this approach would be different from the traditional academic course. Explain whether or not you found this to be an effective way to learn some of the characteristics and applicability of Web-based learning?