Publishing Movies Lecture Notes -
Objective #1: Be able to publish movies.
- Typically, a .swf file and a .htm web page is created when you use the File/Publish
menu command since the default Publish Settings are set to create those two
- However, if you do not wish to place your Flash movie on the Internet or
an intranet, you can publish (or export) your movie in a few other formats
including QuickTime, animated gif, etc.
- You can also export your movie to play as a Projector file. This type of
export creates an .exe file that can be double-clicked by the user and doesn't
require the user's computer to have any specific helper applications or plug-ins.
- You can export a specific frame of a movie by first checkmarking the jpeg
option in the Publish Settings window and then selecting the desired frame
in the Timeline window and using the Publish command.
Objective #2: Be able to optimize a published movie by reducing file
- Use symbols for objects that are used multiple times in a movie.
- Use these techniques to reduce the movie's file size:
- Use tweened animations rather than frame-by-frame animations.
- Make use of smaller areas of change in keyframes.
- Use vector objects rather than bitmap objects within animations. Use
bitmap objects in static frames.
- Avoid the overuse of gradients.
- Click the View/Bandwith Profiler menu command to use the banwidth profiler
to find the large frames
- Preload a movie by using ActionScript to prevent the movie from playing
until every frame up to a specific frame number has been downloaded to the
user's browser.
Objective #3: Be able to use the HTML Publish Settings.
- Change the width and height attributes to change the size of the movie as
its displayed in the browser window.
- Disable the shortcut Display menu that the user can access when right-clicking
a Flash movie in a browser window.
- Change the Quality option to increase playback speed.
Objective #4: Create & upload a Web site that consists of one .swf
file or multiple .swf files.
- Use Dreamweaver to set up a remote site on a Web server &
upload your .swf file(s) and .htm file(s).
- You can also use Internet Explorer to FTP your .swf & .htm files to a Web server. Click the View/Explorer Bar/Folders menu command. Then
type the following command into IE's location bar:
You will be able to drag and drop your files from a local folder or your
floppy disk to your Web server folder.