Functions Worksheet #3 Name -
  Day of Week -

Draw the console output window with the expected output as precisely as possible.

1. Assume that the user inputs the value 4.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double computePrice(int num);
double computeTax(double number);

const double BOOK_PRICE = 9;
const double TAX_RATE = 0.06;

int main()
   int numBooks = 0;
   double finalPrice = 0.0;
   double tax = 0.0;

   cin >> numBooks;

   finalPrice = computePrice(numBooks);
   tax = computeTax(finalPrice);
   finalPrice = finalPrice + tax;

   cout << finalPrice << endl;

   return 0;
}// end of main

double computePrice(int num)
   double customerTotal = 0.0;
   customerTotal = num * BOOK_PRICE;

   return customerTotal;
}// end of computePrice

double computeTax(double number)
   return TAX_RATE * number;
}// end of computeTax